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Martin George & Company > Articles posted by site_admin (Page 77)

Business and Other Documents

Blackstone's Criminal Practice 2018/Part F Evidence/Section F17 Exceptions to the Rule against Hearsay (Excluding Confessions)/HEARSAY EXCEPTIONS: (1) HEARSAY ADMISSIBLE BY AGREEMENT, UNAVAILABLE WITNESSES AND BUSINESS DOCUMENTS/Business and Other Documents   Business and Other Documents   F17.25   Criminal Justice Act 2003, s. 117 (1)     In criminal proceedings a statement contained in a document is admissible as evidence of any matter stated if-- (a)     oral evidence given in the proceedings would be admissible as evidence of that matter, (b)     the requirements of subsection (2) are satisfied, and (c)     the requirements of subsection (5) are satisfied, in a case where subsection (4) requires them...

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Statement by Martin George Chairman of the Tobago BUSINESS CHAMBER

Statement by Martin George Chairman of the Tobago BUSINESS CHAMBER, on the cancellations of Tobago Jazz and Tobago Cruise ship arrivals and the effect on Tobago businesses. [audio ogg=""][/audio]...

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Judge warns of crisis in health sector because of Nursing Council impasse

  A HIGH COURT judge has warned that the health care sector could find itself in crisis mode if decisions taken by the Nursing Council between April to early October 2019 are not ratified. Justice Frank Seepersad has also urged that elections for the council’s executive be held as a matter of urgency.” In a decision on Monday, Seepersad voided all the decisions made by the council from April 19 to early October 2019, saying they were invalid since the council did not have the power to hold over in office after the expiration of its term. The council’s three-year term ended on April...

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Nursing Council decisions declared invalid

Derek Achong All de­ci­sions made by the Nurs­ing Coun­cil of T&T since the end its mem­bers’ term last April have been in­val­i­dat­ed. This was the out­come of a law­suit over the man­age­ment of the or­gan­i­sa­tion, brought by for­mer pres­i­dent David Mur­phy af­ter he was oust­ed in Au­gust, last year. In a 22-page judge­ment de­liv­ered at the Hall of Jus­tice in Port-of-Spain yes­ter­day morn­ing, High Court Judge Frank Seep­er­sad ruled that there was no pro­vi­sion un­der the Nurs­ing Per­son­nel Act, which es­tab­lished the coun­cil and dic­tates func­tions to ex­tend the pow­ers of its mem­bers past their three-year term.  As a re­sult, Seep­er­sad ruled that any...

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Judge finds SWRHA guilty of negligence

A high court judge has found the South West Re­gion­al Health Au­thor­i­ty (SWRHA) guilty of med­ical neg­li­gence in the death of 30-year-old Navin Singh. In a rul­ing on Fri­day at the San Fer­nan­do Supreme Court, Jus­tice Ava­son Quin­lan-Williams found the man was mis­di­ag­nosed and that doc­tors at the Princes Town Health cen­tre did not car­ry out suf­fi­cient tests which would have shown that Singh had a flesh-eat­ing bug and not sci­a­tia. Singh died less than 48 hours af­ter he was twice mis­di­ag­nosed by doc­tors at the Princes Town Health cen­tre when he was ac­tu­al­ly dy­ing from the flesh-eat­ing bug virus necro­tiz­ing fasci­itis. Af­ter...

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Autopsy on first-time mom shows 13 gallstones led to infection

Mon Apr 20 2015 An au­top­sy per­formed on the body of first-time mom Keisha Ay­ers has re­vealed had 13 gall­stones in her blad­der which caused an in­fec­tion. It al­so re­vealed she de­vel­oped blood clots. The au­top­sy was done yes­ter­day at the Er­ic Williams Med­ical Sci­ences Com­plex mor­tu­ary, Mount Hope. Rel­a­tives of Ay­ers' com­mon-law-hus­band Ju­ma Charles went to the hos­pi­tal to iden­ti­fy her body and view the au­top­sy, as he was too dis­traught to even leave his Chen­nette Cres­cent, San­ta Rosa Heights, Ari­ma, home. The re­port re­vealed the cause of death was due to bi­lat­er­al pul­monary throm­bo-em­boli; Deep vein throm­bo­sis and cholelithi­a­sis. A med­ical doc­tor, who...

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Permission to challenge Deyalsingh

Over 3,000 nurses have been granted leave to challenge the Health Minister’s decision to appoint selected members to the Nursing Council before any elected members were appointed. They were also granted permission to seek declarations that the decision of the minister to appoint David Murphy as a member of the council. The nurses were given permission to challenge the minister by Justice Devindra Rampersad. They are seeking several declarations which also ask the court to find that the minister’s decision to allow his six selected members to elect a president of the council and an executive when there are no other...

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