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Author: site_admin

Martin George & Company > Articles posted by site_admin (Page 26)

Dismissed Coco Reef boss sues hotel

The former general manager of the Coco Reef Resort and Spa in Tobago has begun his wrongful dismissal lawsuit against the company that owns the hotel and its owner.  Eric Feniet took the witness stand at a courtroom at the Waterfront Judicial Centre in Port-of-Spain as the trial of his multi-million dollar lawsuit against Bella Forma Resorts Limited and its Bermuda-based owner John Jefferis commenced before Justice Frank Seepersad, on Monday Throughout his testimony, the Frenchman was repeatedly quizzed by the company’s lawyer Martin George over the unorthodox duties he claimed that he was asked to perform by Jefferis from when he...

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What my mentor ‘Bally’ taught me about success

The road to success is paved with blood, sweat and tears. Congrats to my mentor, father figure, guide and confidant Mr Balliram Maharaj on this momentous occasion of his book launch. In my formative years as a young attorney, I was so fortunate to have three major mentors in my life—Anthony Sabga, Mr Isaac Mc Leod and Mr Balliram Maharaj. I would spend hours on end with each of these three fine gentlemen discussing world issues, business ideas, the future of Trinidad and Tobago, and how we could make this beautiful nation a better place. I would sit in their offices till late...

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Attorneys: PCA reports affect public confidence in TTPS

The eye-opening disclosures made in the Police Complaints Authority’s (PCA) latest annual report, where an increase in the number of reports being made against police officers was recorded, will continue to work to the detriment of the T&T Police Service (TTPS). In fact, attorney Om Lalla and former Police Service Commission member Martin George, also an attorney, believe it will continue to reflect a lack of confidence in the TTPS on the part of the public. The PCA’s 12th Annual Report 2021/2022, which was laid in parliament on Wednesday, said it had recorded the highest number of complaints against police officers, totalling...

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Attorney at Law Martin George: Nine independent senators should resign

ATTORNEY Martin George said on Tuesday the nine independent senators appointed by former president Paula-Mae Weekes should resign in order to allow her successor Christine Kangaloo to select a new group of independent senators, if she so desires. Former Senate president Christine Kangaloo was inaugurated as TT's seventh President on Monday. She was elected by the Electoral College by a vote of 48-22 on January 20. The college comprises all members of the House of Representatives and Senate, including the Speaker and the Senate President. For the time being, it appears the current nine independent senators will remain in place. There is no...

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Panday: Persad-Bissessar is anti-President

THE absence of any Opposition UNC members at the inauguration of the country’s seventh President on Monday, did not surprise UNC founder, former political leader and former prime minister Basdeo Panday. Journalists who covered the inauguration at the Queen’s Park Savannah did not see UNC political leader and Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar as newly sworn-in President Christine Kangaloo addressed her (Persad-Bissessar) during the opening of her inauguration speech. All attempts to contact Persad-Bissessar for a comment were unsuccessful. Panday, who was spotted at the event with his daughter Mickela, and at the reception which immediately followed at NAPA (the National Academy for the...

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Attorneys and activists welcome plan for human trafficking court

Plans announced by National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds for a special court to deal with human trafficking cases, have been welcomed by human rights attorneys and activists although they had concerns about infrastructure and sustainable funding for the proposed facility. Attorney Criston J Williams recalled that on February 24 the T&T Government told the United Nations they were developing draft policies to deal with trafficking. He questioned the rationale for the proposed court and said Hinds “should disclose the policy so we can see what the infrastructure of this is.” He said: “How we are going to train, develop the judges and...

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‘A need for reflection’
After serving one year in office, lawyers grade AG’s work…

ATTORNEY GENERAL Reginald Armour has survived his first year in office and some of his colleagues believe he should still be given a chance to prove himself. Others are of the view that reflection is needed. This Thursday marks one year since Armour was appointed as AG by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley on March 16, 2022. Criminal Bar Association head Israel Khan, SC, says the AG’s year was hectic, demanding, onerous and overwhelming. In a phone interview with the Sunday Express yesterday, Khan said he would give Armour a “B” grade, saying there is room for improvement. He noted the AG came into...

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