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Author: site_admin

Martin George & Company > Articles posted by site_admin (Page 31)

Morris asks THA: What’s the plan to tackle crime?

THA Minority Leader Kelvon Morris has called on the THA executive to state its plans to address the rise in gun violence on the island. Morris was speaking on Monday, two days after SRP Kyle Lashley became the island's tenth murder victim. There were seven murders in 2021. The PNM assemblyman said the latest killing was of great concern to him. Police said Lashley, 26, who last worked at the Crown Point Police Station, was with friends at around 7.10 pm, at Providence Road in Les Coteaux when a black Kia Cerato stopped alongside them, and two gunmen got out. One snatched Lashley's...

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Article 44 – Death Penalty

By:      Martin Anthony George             Attorney-at-Law             Martin Anthony George & Co.             Attorneys-at-Law Definition of Death Penalty According to : , the death penalty; Also known as capital punishment, is the most severe form of corporal punishment as it is requires law enforcement officers to kill (to cause the death of, to end the life) of the convicted offender. Forms of the death penalty include lethal injection, hanging from the neck, gassing, firing squad and has included use of the guillotine. Death Penalty and Sovereignty Despite talk of sovereignty in discussions on the death penalty, the London-based privy council is still Trinidad and Tobago's...

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By:      Darrell Bartholomew             Attorney-at-Law             Martin Anthony George & Co.             Attorneys-at-Law Retirement age is the age at which a person normally stops working, and is typically tied to the age at which they become eligible to receive a pension and/or retirement benefits. Where a mandatory retirement age is set, such as in Trinidad and Tobago, it is usually seen as an accomplishment to be celebrated when an employee reaches such an age.     CURRENT LAW The Pensions Act Chapter 23:52 sets out the mandatory retirement age for public officers appointed by the Service Commission. Section 14 of the Act states: “14. The Service Commission...

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Tobago hoteliers, chamber: Carnival a resounding success

TOBAGO Hotel and Tourism Association vice-president Carol-Ann Birchwood-James has described the island’s inaugural carnival as a resounding success. Although the figures are still being tabulated, she said a preliminary report from the association’s members on Friday showed the accommodation sector had an 85 per cent occupancy rate. That figure, she said, was expected to climb to about 90 per cent for the carnival weekend. “Once people come and you have it safe and there are no big incidents, and you have hotels at 85 per cent and climbing, it must be a success. It is not a success if people ain’t come and...

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MAGCO celebrates its 30th Anniversary.

It has been a long journey spanning thirty (30) years, countless sleepless nights, trials, tribulations, obstacles and frustrations, but it has also been one of happiness, joy, triumph and success. Setting about trying to carve a niche and to make a mark in the local landscape of Law Firms is not an easy task as there are many major players and Titans around. Setting out to do so as a young boy from Tobago, without that network of support, encouragement or Mentorship is doubly daunting – but one thing was always clear – the desire to be an Employer and...

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Trinidad and Tobago’s relationship after 60 years

Official and private events have been planned to celebrate TT's 60 years of independence. Central Government has organised celebratory events, while the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) has its own activities planned to mark the occasion. Politically, economically, structurally and socially, there have been many changes since TT raised its own flag on August 31, 1962. And still, there are many in Tobago who wish to see even greater changes on all fronts, arguing that Tobago's true potential can only be achieved if its fate is in the hands of Tobagonians. Some take umbrage at the name Trinidad and Tobago, preferring to say Tobago...

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