DALLISON v. CAFFERY. [1961 D. No. 1575.]
ICLR: King's/Queen's Bench Division/1965/Volume 1/DALLISON v. CAFFERY. [1961 D. No. 1575.] - [1965] 1 Q.B. 348 [1965] 1 Q.B. 348 [COURT OF APPEAL] DALLISON v. CAFFERY. [1961 D. No. 1575.] 1964 April 8, 9, 10, 13. Lord Denning M.R., Danckwerts and Diplock L.JJ. Arrest - Detention in custody - Constable, powers of - Duty to act reasonably - Power to arrest on suspicion - Power to take arrested person for reasonable investigation of suspected crime before delivery to police station and magistrates for committal. Malicious prosecution - Reasonable and probable cause - Question for jury - Honest belief - Question of honest belief in accused person's guilt...
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