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Author: site_admin

Martin George & Company > Articles posted by site_admin (Page 145)


Severance pay is usually only paid to workers who have been made redundant or retirees, and in very rare cases, people who resign can also qualify. An employer is not required to pay severance to workers if everyone is being severed, owing to the fact that the business is being closed down; however, the employer must pay severance if only a portion of the workforce is being made redundant. Firstly, according to Section 6 of the Retrenchment and Severance Benefits Act 1985, as amended, the employer is required to give the employees 45 days notice in writing. Secondly, your rights (if you...

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After baby dies 12 days after horror delivery… PENAL COUPLE WANTS JUSTICE

  Published: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 Suresh Rampersad and his wife, Sheriffa Ali, during an interview yesterday at their relatives’ home at La Paille Road, Iere Village. PHOTO: TONY HOWELL A Penal couple is calling for justice over the death of their son, claiming the failure of staff at the San Fernando General Hospital to perform a caesarian section (C-section) caused him to be born brain dead. Sheriffa Ali, 34, and her common-law husband Suresh Rampersad, 37, of Clarke Road, Penal, say the death of their son has left them with unanswered questions. The news comes in the wake of the recents deaths of two mothers—Keisha...

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Contact Information History Our Firm's Principal Attorney Mr. Martin George had a press conference today, May 4th, 2015, whereby he indicated that he wants to set up a Medical Complaints Council as a Non-Profit Organization in T&T to give a voice to and to be able to highlight complaints from citizens who have Medical Negligence complaints and who sometimes feel they are neglected, ignored or maltreated by Hospital or Medical Authorities and Medical Personnel in T&T. Aims & Objectives To gather and collate information and data as regards complaints of citizens about Medical Negligence and Health Care  complaints in relation to matters at the Nation's public...

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An autopsy performed on the body of first-time mom Keisha Ayers has revealed had 13 gallstones in her bladder which caused an infection. It also revealed she developed blood clots. The autopsy was done yesterday at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex mortuary, Mount Hope. Relatives of Ayers’ common-law-husband Juma Charles went to the hospital to identify her body and view the autopsy, as he was too distraught to even leave his Chennette Crescent, Santa Rosa Heights, Arima, home. The report revealed the cause of death was due to bilateral pulmonary thrombo-emboli; Deep vein thrombosis and cholelithiasis. A medical doctor, who wished not to...

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Families who feel their loved ones died because of negligent care at hospitals will now have their call for justice led by a medical complaints council, Tobago attorney Martin George announced yesterday. The council’s intention is to raise the quality of healthcare for all citizens, George told reporters at his office in Bacolet, Tobago. “There are many more cases of negligence than we could imagine and more and more people are coming forward to give their story so what we are doing is establishing a medical complaints council in Trinidad and Tobago. We are inviting all persons with medical negligence complaints to...

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The brouhaha surrounding the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to President Barrack Obama has been most unseemly and inappropriate. The Nobel Committee had the wisdom, foresight and intelligence to give this award to Mr Obama because it recognised just how significant an impact he has already had and can still have on world affairs and how much he can be an instrument to bring about peace, harmony and hope to a fractured and tortured world. The reactions and behaviour post-announcement of many Americans, ranged from being quite amazing, to just downright disgusting in some cases. Americans should hang their collective...

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BAKER: THA not using money to benefit isle

Minister of Tobago Development Delmond Baker aroused the ire of PNM Senator Shamfa Cudjoe in the Senate yesterday when he accused the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) of siphoning off millions of dollars of its allocation from Central Government into election road-paving exercises, contingency funds and even a bank account. Baker, who made his second appearance in the Senate yesterday, was speaking during a motion on a Review of the Regional Health Authorities of Trinidad and Tobago brought by Independent Senator Dr Victor Wheeler. He said the THA received close to $2 billion every year from Central Government to run its affairs...

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Byline Author: Martin George Article Date: Sunday, June 21, 2009 Looking on at the daily body count as it piles up around Trinidad and Tobago makes you wonder if we aren’t looking at our own home-made version of the movie Pulp Fiction II. Looking on at the daily body count as it piles up around Trinidad and Tobago makes you wonder if we aren’t looking at our own home-made version of the movie Pulp Fiction II. The fiction is fuelled by the Ministry of National Insecurity, which presides over the collapse and total failure of any feelings of safety and security that the citizenry may have...

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