
Trinidad Office


Tobago office





Author: site_admin

Martin George & Company > Articles posted by site_admin (Page 123)

Tobago’s turning point

ALL OVER the planet, the people are having their say. That much has been powerfully demonstrated by the Brexit vote and its still-unravelling fallout. Locally, the ongoing process of selection of a new head of the PNM in Tobago continues our nation’s tradition of peaceful determination of leadership. Some 8,077 people were eligible to vote for a new PNM political leader on the island and about half of that figure turned out on Sunday. This, after much campaigning activity which led some to describe the process as having the aura of a general election. Still, as energetic as the campaign was during the purdah,...

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“What tangled single webs we weave”

There is tremendous good which can come out of the present brouhaha concerning the recent investiture of persons at the Bar and Bench with the title of Senior Counsel, if only for the fact that it makes us as a nation, examine the entire process and try to reform, repeal or re-make the process and the system, so that it is not accused of merely being a silken road towards self-aggrandisement, self-praise and self-enrichment. Every Tom, Dick and Harrypaul Public outcry has arisen and justifiably so, over the manner of the present appointments and unlike on previous occasions where there may have...

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A gloom over Jaroo’s Case

This article concludes the series on the Jaroo case. My friend and esteemed colleague Avory Sinanan, former temporary Judge and experienced Advocate at the Bar, has consented to make the “closing arguments” in the case against the Privy Council’s Jaroo decision. Mr Sinanan’s argument goes as follows: There is no gainsaying that the Privy Council’s decision in Jaroo’s Case fell upon the local legal community “like a ton of bricks.” It brought with it a certain spectre of doom and gloom, so far as constitutional redress was concerned. The notion pushed to the forefront was if the litigant had a parallel remedy at...

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Crime destroying Tobago Tourism

With the latest murder in Tobago taking the tally up to ten for the year to date, it behooves us as a nation to take a long, hard look at what we are doing or not doing to our once pristine paradise island of Tobago. Whether we want to admit it or not, Tobago is changing and changing rapidly. Trinidadians and other visitors to the island have always revelled in the past in the fact that Tobago was one of the safest places on earth. Everybody knew everyone else and they were all, by and large, one big happy family where...

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More than Dillon, Rowley answerable for T&T crime

Prime Minister Keith Rowley last weekend confirmed personal ownership of the crime problem. That was the effect of his unshaken commitment to keep Edmund Dillon as National Security Minister. Murders had reached 200 for 2016 when Dr Rowley was invited to reckon the record in office of retired major general Dillon. Indeed, the year-to-date murder count had exceeded that of 2015 by some 25 per cent. Understandably, the T&T murder toll has remained the conventional measure of progress in containing crime. Increasing murders, mostly undetected, remain a reflection on the performance of whoever is the minister under which policing falls. The Prime...

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Court Room etiquette

Courtrooms are almost always filled with passion, emotions and drama. Litigation can be a stressful process and often complainants or defendants find it difficult to cope with attending court. Factors such as behaviour and appearance may actually play a part in the outcome of your case. Stay informed: The first step in coping with a lawsuit is to get the correct information about the process. Talk to a lawyer about what to expect, what kind of time limits are in place, whether you have a good basis upon which to bring a claim or to dispute liability or claimed damages, and whether...

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