Bad Character Evidence Bad Character Evidence Law ◦ Definitions ◦ Exclusions Bad Character of Defendants ◦ Admissibility ◦ Exclusion of Bad Character evidence ◦ Power of Court to discharge Bad Character of Non-Defendants Policy ◦ Prosecution Policy: Defendants ◦ Prosecution Policy: Non-Defendants Procedure ◦ Charging ◦ Case preparation ◦ Proving Convictions and other reprehensible conduct ▪ Convictions ▪ Cautions ▪Penalty Notices for Disorder (PND) ▪ CRIS Reports ▪ Acquittals ◦ Defendants: convictions and reprehensible conduct ◦ Non-Defendants: Convictions and reprehensible conduct ◦ Seven Gateways of Admissibility ▪ Agreement of the parties section 101(1)(a) ▪ Waiver by the defendant section 101(1)(b) ▪ Important explanatory evidence section 101(1)(c) ▪Relevant to an important matter in issue between the defendant and the prosecution section 101(1)(d) ▪ Propensity to commit...
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