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Mother awarded $1.6m in case against SWRHA

The South West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA) has been ordered to pay a little over $1.6 million in compensation to the mother of a welder, who died of complications related to a “flesh-eating bacteria” after being twice misdiagnosed at the Princes Town District Health Facility in 2014. High Court Judge Avason Quinlan-Williams found the SWRHA and by extension its staff negligent in Navin Singh’s death in February, but only assessed the compensation to be paid to his mother Bhagwantee Singh-Weekes, last Friday. Quinlan-Williams awarded her $35,000 for the pain and suffering her son endured for five days while doctors failed to diagnose...

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Do you know your maternity rights?

Pregnancy can be a beautiful experience, but women may be concerned or uncertain about what benefits expectant working mothers are afforded under the Maternity Protection Act. Acting labour inspector II, of the Ministry of Labour and Small Enterprise Development’s Labour Inspectorate Unit, Mary Lyn Lewis-James told WMN the law provides protection for pregnant working women across the board. “It’s for all women in TT. Once you’re working, it doesn’t matter where you’re working. The Act covers you,” from the beginning to the end of pregnancy. The Act allows for pregnant women to take time off from work in order to get prenatal care....

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Judge finds SWRHA guilty of negligence

A high court judge has found the South West Re­gion­al Health Au­thor­i­ty (SWRHA) guilty of med­ical neg­li­gence in the death of 30-year-old Navin Singh. In a rul­ing on Fri­day at the San Fer­nan­do Supreme Court, Jus­tice Ava­son Quin­lan-Williams found the man was mis­di­ag­nosed and that doc­tors at the Princes Town Health cen­tre did not car­ry out suf­fi­cient tests which would have shown that Singh had a flesh-eat­ing bug and not sci­a­tia. Singh died less than 48 hours af­ter he was twice mis­di­ag­nosed by doc­tors at the Princes Town Health cen­tre when he was ac­tu­al­ly dy­ing from the flesh-eat­ing bug virus necro­tiz­ing fasci­itis. Af­ter...

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Autopsy on first-time mom shows 13 gallstones led to infection

Mon Apr 20 2015 An au­top­sy per­formed on the body of first-time mom Keisha Ay­ers has re­vealed had 13 gall­stones in her blad­der which caused an in­fec­tion. It al­so re­vealed she de­vel­oped blood clots. The au­top­sy was done yes­ter­day at the Er­ic Williams Med­ical Sci­ences Com­plex mor­tu­ary, Mount Hope. Rel­a­tives of Ay­ers' com­mon-law-hus­band Ju­ma Charles went to the hos­pi­tal to iden­ti­fy her body and view the au­top­sy, as he was too dis­traught to even leave his Chen­nette Cres­cent, San­ta Rosa Heights, Ari­ma, home. The re­port re­vealed the cause of death was due to bi­lat­er­al pul­monary throm­bo-em­boli; Deep vein throm­bo­sis and cholelithi­a­sis. A med­ical doc­tor, who...

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Permission to challenge Deyalsingh

Over 3,000 nurses have been granted leave to challenge the Health Minister’s decision to appoint selected members to the Nursing Council before any elected members were appointed. They were also granted permission to seek declarations that the decision of the minister to appoint David Murphy as a member of the council. The nurses were given permission to challenge the minister by Justice Devindra Rampersad. They are seeking several declarations which also ask the court to find that the minister’s decision to allow his six selected members to elect a president of the council and an executive when there are no other...

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Wilson v. Medical Associates Ltd. and Dunn JM 2009 SC 59

Name of Case: Wilson v. Medical Associates Ltd. and Dunn JM 2009 SC 59 Type of Medical negligence:   mental disability of minor Date of Judgment: June 18, 2009 Judge Presiding: King J Country: Jamaica Case Summary The claimant, Stephen Wilson, then five years old, underwent surgery at the Medical Associates Hospital which was operated by the first defendant. The second defendant, Dr. Brendan Dunn, was the anesthetist in attendance at the surgery. On completion of the surgical operation which was a circumcision, the claimant went into cardiac arrest resulting in severe brain damage. At the date of the trial Stephen was twenty-four years old and there has been no...

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