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Medical Negligence

Martin George & Company > Medical Negligence

Mother awarded $1.6m in case against SWRHA

The South West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA) has been ordered to pay a little over $1.6 million in compensation to the mother of a welder, who died of complications related to a “flesh-eating bacteria” after being twice misdiagnosed at the Princes Town District Health Facility in 2014. High Court Judge Avason Quinlan-Williams found the SWRHA and by extension its staff negligent in Navin Singh’s death in February, but only assessed the compensation to be paid to his mother Bhagwantee Singh-Weekes, last Friday. Quinlan-Williams awarded her $35,000 for the pain and suffering her son endured for five days while doctors failed to diagnose...

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Judge finds SWRHA guilty of negligence

A high court judge has found the South West Re­gion­al Health Au­thor­i­ty (SWRHA) guilty of med­ical neg­li­gence in the death of 30-year-old Navin Singh. In a rul­ing on Fri­day at the San Fer­nan­do Supreme Court, Jus­tice Ava­son Quin­lan-Williams found the man was mis­di­ag­nosed and that doc­tors at the Princes Town Health cen­tre did not car­ry out suf­fi­cient tests which would have shown that Singh had a flesh-eat­ing bug and not sci­a­tia. Singh died less than 48 hours af­ter he was twice mis­di­ag­nosed by doc­tors at the Princes Town Health cen­tre when he was ac­tu­al­ly dy­ing from the flesh-eat­ing bug virus necro­tiz­ing fasci­itis. Af­ter...

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Autopsy on first-time mom shows 13 gallstones led to infection

Mon Apr 20 2015 An au­top­sy per­formed on the body of first-time mom Keisha Ay­ers has re­vealed had 13 gall­stones in her blad­der which caused an in­fec­tion. It al­so re­vealed she de­vel­oped blood clots. The au­top­sy was done yes­ter­day at the Er­ic Williams Med­ical Sci­ences Com­plex mor­tu­ary, Mount Hope. Rel­a­tives of Ay­ers' com­mon-law-hus­band Ju­ma Charles went to the hos­pi­tal to iden­ti­fy her body and view the au­top­sy, as he was too dis­traught to even leave his Chen­nette Cres­cent, San­ta Rosa Heights, Ari­ma, home. The re­port re­vealed the cause of death was due to bi­lat­er­al pul­monary throm­bo-em­boli; Deep vein throm­bo­sis and cholelithi­a­sis. A med­ical doc­tor, who...

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