
Trinidad Office


Tobago office





Author: site_admin

Martin George & Company > Articles posted by site_admin (Page 37)

George: Make Tobago a safe zone against criminal activities

The Tobago Business Chamber has expressed its concern over the rising levels of crime and criminality that the country has been witnessing. However according to its’ Chairman Martin George, while the chamber understands the constraints the police service may have to operate under, they’re calling on the authorities to make an extra effort: “We call upon the Commissioner of Police to at least make a start by creating a completely safe zone in Tobago” He said this should be done by ensuring that the borders of Tobago are “secured, safe and free from the importation of illegal guns and drugs.” He said...

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Wrongfully arrested 3 times for non-payment of maintenance Court awards $$

THE High Court has entered judgment in favour of a Tobago man who was arrested on three occasions for the non-payment of child maintenance. The arrests were made even though the court order that mandated him to make such payments had expired when his son turned the age of 18 in 2017. On two of the occasions, he was arrested under a different court order and placed in a cell at Scarborough Police Station although he informed the officers that he was no longer required to pay maintenance, since his son was now an adult. During a virtual hearing yesterday, Justice Carol Gobin...

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State to pay man wrongly arrested 3 times for child support

A Tobago man who was arrested on three occasions for non-payment of child maintenance has won his case against the State, which failed to defend his lawsuit for wrongful arrest, false imprisonment and breach of his rights. At a virtual hearing on Friday, Justice Carol Gobin entered judgment in favour of Curtis Carrington, an operator at the Scarborough Hospital. She referred an assessment for damages to a High Court Master. Police arrested Carrington three times on alleged outstanding maintenance orders when there were none against him. Carrington is the father of one child, who turned 21 in March. The periods for which it...

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Tobago welcomes ease of restrictions

Vaccination rate remains a concern Tobago Business Chamber President Martin George says the island has welcomed the Prime Minister’s decision to ease restrictions within several sectors, as it would not only benefit business owners but citizens as well. “We are always moved by anything which promotes greater business activity and greater facilitation of the business persons of Trinidad and Tobago” he said. George said the chamber is of the opinion that the eases are always consistent “with the results we have seen from the Ministry of Health, in terms of declines of COVID-19 infection numbers, hospitalizations and deaths.” Two weeks ago George also issued...

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George: Fix Tobago first

With the full reopening of beaches and other water courses, Tobagonians and by extension the island’s business community is hopeful for economic recovery, however according to Tobago Business Chamber President Martin George, despite several attempts in the past to boost tourism, the real focus was lacking. He told Loop News: “The attempts at marketing Tobago have been woefully abysmal in the past, in that there appears to be no clear idea, definition or focus as to what they’re doing. It’s been basically a collection of joy rides by politicians… instead of trying to make something out of Tobago.” Noting that in some cases...

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Tobago Business Chamber supports lifting of beach restrictions.

Government’s decision to remove the time restrictions for people to be at beaches and rivers will help to promote greater business activity as Tobago’s economy slowly reopens. This from Tobago Business Chamber President Martin George in response to questions from Loop News on Government’s recent adjustments.  “The Tobago Business Chamber is always in support of any initiative which fosters greater activity and the reopening of the economy for Tobago, so therefore the extended hours for the beaches would be incentives which would definitely be in favour of greater economic activity.”  With the removal of the time limit, George also believes more Trinidadians will...

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$100K High Court judgement for mom after suffering burns at hospital

A Valencia mother has been awarded $100,000 for burns she allegedly sustained at the Sangre Grande Hospital while delivering her baby. In a statement, Attorney's Martin George & Co., who represented the 34-year-old mother, said she was awarded the sum in damages, costs and interest by the High Court for burns she sustained while delivering her baby at the Sangre Grande Hospital in 2016.  The court heard that the woman was at the hospital on March 16, 2016 to deliver her baby when she said an "extremely large amount of rubbing alcohol was applied to her abdominal region in preparation for the surgical...

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Attorney: Keep virtual hearings

Attorney at Law Martin George says while he agrees with the Prime Minister’s statement that the pace of justice is slow in T&T, the COVID-19 pandemic, despite its’ restrictions, has presented opportunities to speed up this country’s legal process, including the electronic filing of documents and the virtual court. George says these methods have been proven to work efficiently over time: “And we must keep those two going, we must never go back to the physical filing or to have an in- person court except for criminal matters.” He says the virtual environment also results in savings, particularly if a key witness is...

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