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Author: site_admin

Martin George & Company > Articles posted by site_admin (Page 125)


Attorney Martin George says he hopes that the State is well-prepared for its case against the 11 persons charged with the murder of Dana Seetahal and who have also been charged under the Anti-Gang Act. Noting that during the 2011 State of Emergency, several unsuccessful attempts were made to charge persons under the Act, he said the State must do several things to prove that these persons were part of a gang. "This time around, particularly in relation to such a high profile case, they would obviously have dotted every 'i' and crossed every 't.' In other words, I would imagine they...

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ON OCTOBER 10, the lawsuit filed by the family of Ricardo “Smokey” Mc Kenzie will again be called before Justice Mira Dean-Armorer in the Port-of-Spain High Court. McKenzie’s wife Lisa Mc Kenzie is named as the claimant in a $20 million medical negligence lawsuit against Medcorp Limited and Cancer Centre of the Caribbean Limited, operators of the Brian Lara Cancer Treatment Centre (BLCTC). McKenzie’s died of a suspected deadly overdose of radiation to his brain. In their claim of medical negligence, lawyers for the Mc Kenzie family have alleged that Medcorp tried to cover up the fact that sensitive radiation machines...

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Martin George – Marijuana Controversy

Attorney at law Martin George on Marijuana Controversy The police service alleged cover up of a marijuana find at the Prime Minister's residence does not augur well in restoring public confidence. [embed][/embed] So says Attorney at law Martin George. Speaking on TV6's morning edition Mr. George says the whole marijuana controversy is a PR disaster. He said it was a PR decision to keep the find on the down low which has now back fired.   Extracted From: Tv6TNT      ...

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Baptiste v. Baptiste TT [1991] HC 1

 Case Name : Baptiste v. Baptiste TT [1991] HC 1 Judge: Sealey J  Subject: Family Law  Country: Trinidad and Tobago Facts  In this case the petitioner alleged that she was forced to leave the matrimonial home with the two female children of the family ages 10 and 5 respectively on the 4th day of July 1990. The petitioner stated that she was no longer able to bear the severe physical and mental abuse she was made to suffer at the hand of the respondent. At the time of the hearing, the petitioner resided in the home of her mother. Due to limited space she and her daughters shared one...

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Balraj v. Dewar TT [1994] HC 74

Case Name:  Balraj v. Dewar TT [1994] HC 74  Judge: Shah. J  Subject: Family Law  Country: Trinidad and Tobago Facts In this case the grandmother of Keisha Murisha Dewar ( a minor)  applied for custody of the said minor pursuant to the Family Law Act. The minor’s biological father, the respondent in the case, also applied for custody of the said minor. When the minor was still an infant she was left in the care of her grandmother by her biological father and mother. She grew up not knowing her father, mother and siblings. The minor’s biological mother later died in a car accident and...

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Chong Tai v. Chong Tai TT [2012] HC 77

Case Name: Chong Tai v. Chong Tai TT [2012] HC 77 Judge: Mohammed, J  Subject: Family law Country: Trinidad and Tobago Facts The parties were married on 18th February, 1995. The marriage lasted for a period of thirteen years. Sometime in 2003 the marriage broke down and the parties began sleeping apart although they were still having sexual relations up until 2008. There are two minor children of the family, namely, Lorraine Chong Tai who is now aged 14 and Kevin Chong Tai who is now 12 years old. The parties are now divorced. The children reside with the mother. The petitioner/wife was employed as a...

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Abdulla v Abdulla TT [2011] HC 173

Case Name: Abdulla v Abdulla TT [2011] HC 173  Judge: Ramkerrysingh, J. Country: Trinidad and Tobago Subject: Family law Facts The unique feature of this case is that the main capital assets which comprise (1) the former matrimonial home situate at 60 Western Circle Westmoorings, (2) the Husband's company Printables, and indeed virtually the family's entire lifestyle and business investments over the years have largely been provided by a third-party benefactor (that is, the wife’s stepfather) who,  throughout the marriage provided the financial security and stability for this family over and above either of the parties themselves. The step-father’s involvement can only be accredited to...

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Asiodu v. Asiodu TT[ 2011] HC 342

Case Name: Asiodu v. Asiodu TT[ 2011] HC 342  Judge: Lambert Peterson, J.  Country:Trinidad and Tobago Subject: Family law Facts By Application relating to Children, the petitioner sought custody, care and control of the children of the family Xavier born on the 6th November, 1996, Gabrielle born on the 25th September, 2000 and Ysabel born on the 7th July, 2003. The petitioner asked that the respondent whether by himself, his servants and/or agents be restrained from removing the children of the family from the petitioner's care and control and from the jurisdiction of Trinidad and Tobago; and that the respondent pay to the petitioner periodical...

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BROWNE-SCANTLEBURY v. SCANTLEBURY Citation # TT 2011 HC 232 Country Trinidad and Tobago Court High Court Judge Myers, J. (Ag.) Subject Family law Date this 27th day of July 2011 Suit No. 1163 of 1998 Subsubject Child – Access – Whether father’s access to child, now 16, should be supervised. Full Text Appearances: Ms Kathy Gonzales for the petitioner Mr. Gregory Delzin for the respondentMYESR, J.(Ag.): 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Should the respondent be granted supervised or unrestricted access to his daughter, Kathy-Ann Scantlebury. 1.2 The petitioner and respondent were married on 25 September 1994. They had one child, Kathy-Ann Scantlebury ("Miss Scantlebury"). She was born on 20 March 1995. On 19 June 1996, the petitioner left the respondent's home. She never again cohabited...

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In a further twist to the domestic violence proceedings brought by his wife two weeks ago, former Deputy Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly Hilton Sandy has now been ordered to vacate the matrimonial home. In an Emergency Injunction obtained by his wife's Attorneys, Martin George & CO, in the Port of Spain High Court last Friday, Mr. Sandy, who  serves as an Assemblyman in the THA, has been served with an Injunction Order compelling him to completely vacate and move out of the matrimonial home within five hours of being served. He is further restrained from coming within 500...

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