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Newspaper Articles

Martin George & Company > Newspaper Articles (Page 36)

Medical Board still to decide on Sawh

IT has been over a month since San Fernando-based doctor Dr Avinash Sawh's rant went viral on social media, but a decision is yet to be made by the Medical Board. He submitted a report to the board on December 1, almost a week ago. Sawh was recorded making racist, obscene remarks to a female employee, for which he has since apologised. But five people, including Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh, wrote to the board asking it to investigate possible disciplinary measures. The board eventually wrote to Sawh and his attorney Martin George asking him to provide an explanation for his rant. This 100-page explanation...

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Attorney tells THA education secretary: ‘You’ve been served’

Attorney Martin George said he is 100 per cent certain that the Division of Education, Innovation and Energy has been served court documents relating to a legal challenge by maxi taxi concessionaires. The concessionaires claim they are being discriminated against based on age and other issues and being offered only two-year contracts, despite serving for almost 30 years. Attorney Janelle Ramsaroop of Martin George and Company, threatened in a September pre-action protocol letter to initiate High Court action against the division and PTSC for judicial review of a decision to distribute “unreasonable and unfair” school transport contracts among the 31 operators...

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Actor, Health Minister file complaints against ‘racist’ doc

Attorney Martin George is today submitting responses to the TT Medical Board on the five complaints made against south doctor Avinash Sawh, now facing possible disciplinary action for his recent incendiary comments. Today is the deadline which the Board has set for the receipt of the responses. George confirmed the situation to Guardian Media over the weekend and yesterday. Sawh of Sawh’s Medical Associates was catapulted into the spotlight last month following a social media leak of a recording of him verbally abusing a female employee, using derogatory, discriminatory and racist language. The employee has since left his employ. Many have called for him to...

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Doctor submits 100-page explanation to Medical Board over ‘racist’ remarks

A doctor accused of using racist remarks against a former employee has submitted a response of more than 100 pages to the Medical Board, which is investigating his alleged conduct. Dr Avinash Sawh, who is based in San Fernando, is facing possible disciplinary measures. Clips of him making obscene, racist remarks went viral on social media last month and the doctor has since apologised for his remarks. The board had given Sawh and his attorney Martin George until Tuesday to respond to the five complaints. Speaking with Newsday on Tuesday, George said he and Sawh were "just about to submit" their responses. He said,...

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An eight year old boy in Tobago, is tonight unable to pursue his online classes at home, due to no ELECTRICITY . The situation however is no fault of the Trinidad and Tobago ELECTRICITY Commission, but a land developer in Tobago, who reneged on an agreement for sale in 2014, to develop the Williams Street Canaan area. Some twenty-two (22) lot owners are today affected in the community.Legal action is being taken in the matter, through Attorney at Law, Martin George and Company.Via Elizabeth Williams. Click here to view ...

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Over 2,000 sign online petition to revoke Dr Sawh’s licence

THE African Students Society at UWI, St Augustine has launched an online petition calling for Dr Avinash Sawh's medical licence to be revoked. Sawh is being investigated by the Medical Board after a recording of his delivering what has been described as a "racist rant" went viral. He later apologised for it, His attorney, Martin George, has until December 1 to provide "an explanation" to the board. The explanation for the petition says, "The Equal Opportunity Act No 69 of 2000 prohibits the "discrimination of persons on grounds of sex, race, ethnicity, origin, marital status, religion or disability. "Dr Avinash Sawh's recently documented...

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A High Court action was filed today by MARTIN GEORGE & CO against the NWRHA, on behalf of Nurse Charlene Khan at St. Ann's Hospital, who was attacked and injured by a Mental Patient who wanted an extra plate of food. The Nurse refused and was attacked and badly beaten by the Patient. She is now suing the Hospital for her damages and injuries. Khan was hit in the back of the neck. In an attempt to protect herself, she grabbed the patient’s fists and they both fell to the ground and the patient stamped on her and kicked her. (FURTHER DETAILS BELOW) ...

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Nursing assistant sues NWRHA after attack by St Ann’s patient

A nursing assistant who was attacked by a patient at the St Ann’s Hospital over a plate of food has sued the North West Regional Health Authority (NWRHA) for negligence and compensation. Charlene Khan, a nursing assistant, was serving meals at the hospital in December 2017 when a patient became infuriated when he could not get more food. Khan was hit in the back of the neck. In an attempt to protect herself, she grabbed the patient’s fists and they both fell to the ground and the patient stamped on her and kicked her. Khan and is claiming compensation for personal injuries caused...

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Deyalsingh, 4 others wrote Medical Board on Sawh’s ‘disgusting’ conduct

A DOCTOR, Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh, an actor, and two others were the five complainants who wrote to the Medical Board about Dr Avinash Sawh's racist rant. The Health Ministry described Sawh's conduct as "disgraceful." Sawh is currently facing possible disciplinary measures and public backlash. He was heard and confessed to making racist, obscene and discriminatory comments in voice messages which circulated on social media. The San Fernando-based doctor has since apologised, but the Medical Board has written to him requesting an explanation of his behaviour. Newsday received the official document for each complaint from sources close to the Medical Board. In his letter,...

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