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Newspaper Articles

Martin George & Company > Newspaper Articles (Page 38)

THA won’t appeal contract teachers ruling

“It was always the intention of the THA to pay outstanding gratuities and, as a consequence, the teachers will receive the monies due and owing to them.” This is the promise made by Tobago House of Assembly (THA) Chief Secretary and Secretary for Education, Innovation and Energy, Kelvin Charles, as he responded to questions posed by Newsday after last Friday’s High Court ruling by Jus­tice David Har­ris. The judge ordered the THA to im­me­di­ate­ly pay con­tract teach­ers all out­stand­ing pay­ments, plus in­ter­est. The Tobago teach­ers, rep­re­sent­ed by Mar­tin George and Com­pa­ny, won a con­sti­tu­tion­al mo­tion which they filed in 2017 against the...

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Attorney tells THA Chief Sec to fire himself

At­tor­ney at Law Mar­tin George is call­ing for THA chief sec­re­tary and sec­re­tary for Ed­u­ca­tion Kelvin Charles to fire him­self af­ter a judge­ment was hand­ed down last Fri­day, de­mand­ing that the THA pay out­stand­ing monies and gra­tu­ities owed to all con­tract teach­ers on the is­land. Speak­ing at a news con­fer­ence held at his Ba­co­let of­fice on Mon­day, George said, it was de­ter­mined that the THA treat­ed the 14 teach­ers un­equal­ly com­pared to the per­ma­nent teach­ers on the is­land, as well as con­tract teach­ers in Trinidad; by pay­ing them less and not al­low­ing them the same amount of leave, va­ca­tion, ben­e­fits, and...

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A victory for contract teachers in Tobago. The High Court has ordered that the THA pay all gratuities owed to them, immediately. The judgement was handed down, on Friday. Elizabeth Williams has more in this report.   View Video here Text Transcript for Video: The case brought by a representative group of 14 contract teachers, from all across Tobago, was filled by their attorney Martin George & Co. as a constitutional motion against the THA and their attorney general. The teachers sort a declaration of inequality of treatment under the constitution. Justice David Harris in his judgment refused to grant the declaration of inequality of treatment and...

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HIGH COURT ORDERS THA TO IMMEDIATELY PAY TOBAGO CONTRACT TEACHERS ALL GRATUITY & ALL OUTSTANDING PAYMENTS PLUS INTEREST In a decision delivered in the High Court today, Contract Teachers throughout Tobago won a Constitutional Motion filed against the Tobago House of Assembly for their rights to all Gratuity payments and all monies outstanding and due and owing to them. The case brought by a representative group of 14 Contract Teachers from all across Tobago, was filed by their Attorneys at Law MARTIN GEORGE & CO as a Constitutional Motion against the THA & Attorney General. The Teachers claimed for a Declaration of...

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TSTT employee wins lawsuit against company after accident

A TSTT em­ploy­ee, who was se­ri­ous­ly in­jured in a car ac­ci­dent due to faulty brakes on the com­pa­ny's ve­hi­cle, has scored a mi­nor le­gal vic­to­ry in his lengthy le­gal bat­tle for com­pen­sa­tion. De­liv­er­ing an oral rul­ing at the Hall of Jus­tice in Port-of-Spain, ear­li­er this week, Ap­pel­late judge Prakash Moo­sai dis­missed an ap­pli­ca­tion from the State-con­trolled com­pa­ny to tem­porar­i­ly set aside the as­sess­ment of com­pen­sa­tion due to Ja­son Bal­bosa. The de­ci­sion means that High Court Mas­ter Sher­lanne Pierre may be­gin the as­sess­ment at a hear­ing sched­uled for March 28. While Pierre com­pletes the process, TSTT may still ap­peal the sub­stan­tive de­ci­sion of High...

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Tobago cop freed on wild meat charge

A police officer who was freed of a wild meat charge on Tuesday is suing the State for malicious prosecution. Keston Kirk, 39, of Sherwood Park, Tobago, stood before magistrate Duane Murray in the Scarborough Magistrates' Court, to answer a charge of illegally having 17 iguanas in his possession. Kirk, who has 19 year's service as a police officer, had been suspended since being charged four years ago. He was represented by attorney Martin George, who argued the State had not proven its case against Kirk. Witnesses for the State included Supt Jeffrey George and game warden John Edwards. The matter was prosecuted by attorneys...

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Tobago cop freed of wild meat charge

A 39 year old police officer with 19 years service was yesterday freed of charges related to the possession of wild meat. The matter was heard before Magistrate Duane Murray in the Tobago court. PC Keston Kirk, of Sherwood Park, Tobago was arrested on April 29, 2015 at Cove Industrial Estate. He had been on suspension for the last four years, charged with illegally having 17 iguanas in his possession. The court heard that on the said date, Kirk went fishing at Canoe Bay and on his way out, gave a man who had been hunting a lift in his vehicle. The police and Game Wardens testified that...

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Tobago policeman to sue state over wild meat charge

Keston Kirk, the 39-year-old police officer who won his case against the state for the illegal possession of 17 iguanas, will sue the state for malicious prosecution. This, after the officer of Sherwood Park, Tobago, was freed from all charges by Magistrate Duane Murray in the Scarborough Magistrate court on Wednesday. Kirk, who has 19 years of service, was suspended for four years after he was charged with the offense. According to Martin George (Kirk's attorney), the officer will now take the matter to the High Court to sue the state for damages and compensation for malicious prosecution. Senior Superintendent Jeffrey George and Game...

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Legal wrangling in Nursing Council continues

A High Court Judge has dismissed an application seeking to strike out former Nursing Council president David Murphy’s lawsuit over being forcibly removed from the organisation in August. Delivering an oral judgement at the Hall of Justice in Port-of- Spain, yesterday morning, Justice Frank Seepersad dismissed the application, in which the council was claiming that Murphy’s case is an abuse of process as he was nominated back into the organisation, last month. Seepersad stated that Murphy’s current position had no bearing on the case as he was nominated to the board by Health Minister Terrance Deyalsingh, as opposed to being elected like...

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Nursing council fails to strike out fmr president’s lawsuit

A HIGH COURT judge has dismissed an application by the Nursing Council to strike out its previously ousted president’s lawsuit against it. The council sought to have David Murphy’s claim thrown out on the basis of it was an abuse of the court since Murphy is now on the council’s executive after Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh appointed him as one of six members. The minister’s appointments gave the council a lawful quorum to perform its duties which included registering nurses and administering nursing examinations until elections can be held, although operations are yet to resume. The council had complained of Murphy’s action still...

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