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Newspaper Articles

Martin George & Company > Newspaper Articles (Page 39)

George: Don’t judge landlords

Tobago Chamber chairman Martin George says the Government cannot mandate that landlords be lenient to tenants who cannot pay their rent because of the covid19 stay-at-home restrictions. During a news conference at the Diplomatic Centre last Saturday, the Prime Minister urged landlords to "have a heart" as the Government extended the stay-at-home order to at least May 10. Borders are also expected to remain closed until May 15. In a WhatsApp voice note on Wednesday, George said the Government's appeal to landlords is not a "legal imposition. "It is not something that can be legally enforced. It is basically a request for landlords...

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Guardian Media Report A man from Charlotteville, Tobago, who was allegedly shot by a police officer for allegedly breaching ongoing Stay-at-Home regulations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has threatened to sue the State. Attorneys representing Zauvghan Benjamin, of Belle Aire Road, Charlotteville, made the threat in a pre-action protocol letter sent to National Security Minister Stuart Young on Thursday. In the letter, attorney Janelle Ramsaroop claimed that on April 6, Benjamin was standing in his relative’s yard at J.D Elder Drive in Charlotteville when he noticed a police vehicle driving on the road. Ramsaroop admitted that Benjamin ran upon seeing the officers but claimed...

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Tobago discount store owner starts legal action against police

The owner of a popular wholesale and discount store in Tobago has written to National Security Minister Stuart Young over being threatened by police to close his business under ongoing COVID-19 regulations. Lawyers representing Phillip Almandoz, the managing director of Miles Almandoz and Company Limited, of Wilson Road in Scarborough, made the complaint in a pre-action protocol letter sent to Young, earlier this morning. "We are writing to you as line Minister with authority over the TTPS so that they may cease and desist from their planned quixotic pursuit of this intention to close down our client's business," attorney Martin George said...

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Man wrongfully arrested 3 times for child support

A TOBAGO man has initiated legal action against the State for wrongful arrest, false imprisonment and breach of his rights. The man was arrested three times by police on alleged outstanding maintenance orders when there were none against him. Attorneys Martin George and Janelle Ramsaroop on Wednesday issued a pre-action protocol letter to the Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi on behalf of Curtis Carrington. Carrington is the father of one child who turned 21 in March. The periods for which it is alleged he owed were long after his child turned 18. The letter said around 2011, his ex-wife took him to court for maintenance...

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Judge warns of crisis in health sector because of Nursing Council impasse

  A HIGH COURT judge has warned that the health care sector could find itself in crisis mode if decisions taken by the Nursing Council between April to early October 2019 are not ratified. Justice Frank Seepersad has also urged that elections for the council’s executive be held as a matter of urgency.” In a decision on Monday, Seepersad voided all the decisions made by the council from April 19 to early October 2019, saying they were invalid since the council did not have the power to hold over in office after the expiration of its term. The council’s three-year term ended on April...

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Nursing Council decisions declared invalid

Derek Achong All de­ci­sions made by the Nurs­ing Coun­cil of T&T since the end its mem­bers’ term last April have been in­val­i­dat­ed. This was the out­come of a law­suit over the man­age­ment of the or­gan­i­sa­tion, brought by for­mer pres­i­dent David Mur­phy af­ter he was oust­ed in Au­gust, last year. In a 22-page judge­ment de­liv­ered at the Hall of Jus­tice in Port-of-Spain yes­ter­day morn­ing, High Court Judge Frank Seep­er­sad ruled that there was no pro­vi­sion un­der the Nurs­ing Per­son­nel Act, which es­tab­lished the coun­cil and dic­tates func­tions to ex­tend the pow­ers of its mem­bers past their three-year term.  As a re­sult, Seep­er­sad ruled that any...

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Permission to challenge Deyalsingh

Over 3,000 nurses have been granted leave to challenge the Health Minister’s decision to appoint selected members to the Nursing Council before any elected members were appointed. They were also granted permission to seek declarations that the decision of the minister to appoint David Murphy as a member of the council. The nurses were given permission to challenge the minister by Justice Devindra Rampersad. They are seeking several declarations which also ask the court to find that the minister’s decision to allow his six selected members to elect a president of the council and an executive when there are no other...

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LES COTEAUX MAN DENIED BAIL IN CARIBBEAN JEWELLERS ROBBERY A 26-year-old man of Les Coteaux, To­ba­go, ap­peared in the Scar­bor­ough Mag­is­trates Court on Fri­day, charged with the rob­bery of Caribbean Jew­ellers Low­lands Branch. The in­ci­dent al­leged­ly oc­curred Mon­day around 12 pm. Alveion Nurse aka "Crime Boss," of Prov­i­dence Road, stood be­fore Mag­is­trate Dwayne Mur­ray in the Scar­bor­ough First Court, charged with three counts of rob­bery with ag­gra­va­tion. The court heard that Nurse al­leged­ly robbed four em­ploy­ees of Caribbean Jew­ellers lo­cat­ed in­side the Low­lands Mall at gun­point, mak­ing away with $1,244,164 worth of jew­el­ry—17 gold 10k ban­gles val­ued $107,800; nine gold 10k jin­gles val­ued...

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New PNM Tobago leader brings dynamism

Tobago Business Chamber: New PNM Tobago leader brings dynamism President of the Tobago Business Chamber, Martin George, has congratulated Tracy Davidson-Celestine on her victory, in Sunday’s run-off election for the post of Political Leader, of the People's National Movement's (PNM) Council in Tobago. Martin George is calling for a continued working relationship between her and current Chief Secretary of Tobago House of Assembly, Kelvin Charles, whom Davidson-Celestine ousted in the leadership contest, yesterday. “Moving forward, the Tobago Business Chamber is willing to work with both Ms. Davidson-Celestine in her role as leader of the PNM Tobago Council; and Mr. Charles, as the continuing...

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