Mixed views over Kamla’s refusal to speak on ‘Marlene-gate’
Two atÂtorÂneys and a poÂlitÂiÂcal anÂaÂlyst have exÂpressed mixed views over OpÂpoÂsiÂtion Leader KamÂla PerÂsad-BissesÂsar’s deÂciÂsion not to speak on the alÂleÂgaÂtions that she alertÂed MarÂlene McÂDonÂald to the fact that she would have been arÂrestÂed by poÂlice. PerÂsad-BissesÂsar told a UNC poÂlitÂiÂcal meetÂing on WednesÂday that the matÂter was sub juÂdice, as her reaÂson for not wantÂiÂng to speak furÂther on the matÂter. AtÂtorÂney MarÂtin George, howÂevÂer, did not agree with PerÂsad-BissesÂsar’s stance. “If it is that there has been an anÂcilÂlary matÂter raised in reÂlaÂtion to the quesÂtion of the leakÂing of inÂforÂmaÂtion and perÂsons beÂing eiÂther tipped-off or noÂtiÂfied beÂforeÂhand,...
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