
Trinidad Office


Tobago office





Newspaper Articles

Martin George & Company > Newspaper Articles (Page 41)

George: Tobago’s slice will only pay wages and bills

TOBAGO'S $2.23b slice of the $53b national budget will be enough to only pay wages and bills according to Martin George, interim chairman of the Tobago Business Chamber. Speaking hours after Finance Minister Imbert delivered his fifth budget on Monday, George told Newsday that after the THA uses 90 per cent of the allocation for recurrent expenditure, Tobago will not have enough money for critical development in the next fiscal year. "So what will there be for capital expenditure, infrastructural development and investment in building up the business capacity of Tobago," George asked. "We would have hoped there was a greater emphasis...

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George wants India help to develop Tobago. New High Commissioner welcomed at reception

President of the Tobago Chamber of Commerce Martin George has challenged new Indian High Commissioner to TT Arun Kumar Sahu to establish to a sub-office on the island. "I would like to see the High Commissioner of India become the first diplomatic mission accredited to Trinidad and Tobago which opens a sub-office in Tobago," George said in brief remarks on Wednesday, at a cocktail reception to welcome Sahu to Tobago at the Magdalena Grand Beach & Golf Resort, Lowlands. "There is tremendous potential for that, tremendous potential for cultural exchanges, business exchanges, development of business ideas in Tobago." He added it will serve...

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Judge: Settle nursing impasse

A HIGH COURT judge is advocating a speedy resolution to the impasse currently facing the Nursing Council since the registration of nurses and the holding of examinations can be affected. On Monday, Justice Frank Seepersad urged the Health Minister to make his six appointments to the council expeditiously so that there can be a legitimate quorum in order to protect and preserve the position of nurses who were registered after the life of the council’s executive came to an end in April. He also issued an interim order that the minister’s appointments was not contingent upon the election of the nine...

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George: All not well in Judiciary

DESPITE Chief Justice Ivor Archie’s staunch defence of his stewardship at the ceremonial opening of the law term on Monday, attorney Martin George begs to differ and believes there is still a prevailing sentiment in various quarters that all is not well in the Judiciary. “It appears that notwithstanding all that has been said and done, the perception persists that all is not well in the state of Denmark,” George told Newsday. He said the onus was on “responsible professionals” within the judicial and legal circles to uphold the standards of the fraternity so as to avoid public mistrust. “It behooves us...

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Mixed views over Kamla’s refusal to speak on ‘Marlene-gate’

Two at­tor­neys and a po­lit­i­cal an­a­lyst have ex­pressed mixed views over Op­po­si­tion Leader Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar’s de­ci­sion not to speak on the al­le­ga­tions that she alert­ed Mar­lene Mc­Don­ald to the fact that she would have been ar­rest­ed by po­lice. Per­sad-Bisses­sar told a UNC po­lit­i­cal meet­ing on Wednes­day that the mat­ter was sub ju­dice, as her rea­son for not want­i­ng to speak fur­ther on the mat­ter. At­tor­ney Mar­tin George, how­ev­er, did not agree with Per­sad-Bisses­sar’s stance. “If it is that there has been an an­cil­lary mat­ter raised in re­la­tion to the ques­tion of the leak­ing of in­for­ma­tion and per­sons be­ing ei­ther tipped-off or no­ti­fied be­fore­hand,...

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New Legislation Will See Politicians In Barbados Being Held Accountable For Their Actions (Click Here)

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Guyana Government Awaits Ruling From Speaker Of The House On No-Confidence Motion (Click Here)

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Pilot, Wife And Lawyers In Trinidad Charged For Illegally Adopting Baby (Click Here)

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