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‘Public Services for Only Vaccinated Customers’

Martin George & Company > Newspaper Articles  > ‘Public Services for Only Vaccinated Customers’

‘Public Services for Only Vaccinated Customers’

THE new vaccination policy for State workplaces is a good one, but in order to be fair, persons accessing services there should also be vaccinated against Covid-19.

This is the opinion of the President of the Tobago Business Chamber Martin George who said that the chamber supported the initiative as well as the partial re-opening of the beaches.

He encouraged public servants to get their vaccinations.

“We ask that public servants get on board with this initiative and we ask that the Government also considers the question of the person who has to access these offices which are staffed by public servants.

“One may need to balance it and not just ask public servants to be vaccinated but also members of the public who wish to access these services.

“That may have to be something the Government might have to consider in terms of fairness to the public servants whom you are now putting this responsibility on,” George said.

He also asked that persons visiting beaches act responsibly, adhering to the measures laid out by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley on Saturday when he announced that beaches will re-open from 5 am to 12 noon.

The Chamber would like to have a further expansion of those hours once beachgoers were following the protocols.

Issues with airport

And George called for more inter-island flights and more seating capacity at the ANR Robinson International Airport.

He said, “Right now there is not enough seating at the airport for persons who are waiting on flights or who are on standby. They are literally on standby, standing around for hours because there are no chairs or seats, that is not good enough, not for an international airport.”

With the opening of the beaches, the Chamber is hoping that people will travel to Tobago to enjoy the beaches of the island and therefore more flights should be added on by Caribbean Airlines.

By Sue-Ann Wayow

APZ news

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